The list contains a selection of hotels, pensions and residences in the towns of Catanzaro, Botricello, Chiaravalle Centrale, Cropani, Falerna, Gizzeria, Guardavalle, Lamezia Terme, Montepaone, Sellia Marina, Simeri Crichi, Soverato, Squillace, Stalettì. Choose a structure and use our services to acquire information, to contact it directly or to reserve your holiday or your business travel.
Marina del Marchese Beach Resort
Botricello - Via Marina
:: www.Calabriais.com/.../marinadelmarchesebeachresort - .itis booking
:: Require an estimate or reserve
Villaggio Residence Riviera Del Sole
Cropani - Contrada Carrao - Cropani Marina
On the Ionian coast, south of Rizzuto Cape. Offers both Hotel formula (rooms and apartments) and Residence formula (self catering apartments). Ample choice of sport and recreational activities. Equipped sandy beach (150mt.). Animation for adults and children.
:: www.Calabriais.com/.../villaggioresidencerivieradelsole - .itis booking
:: Require an estimate or reserve
Hotel Caposuvero
Gizzeria - S.S.18, Km. 365 - Località Caposuvero
In a park in panoramic position over the Santa Eufemia Gulf, facing the Tyrrhenian Sea. Offers room with all the comforts, swimming-pool for adults and for children, tennis and five-a-side football fields, mini club, amphitheater, animation, private and equipped beach at 200mt, wide parking area.
:: www.Calabriais.com/catanzaro/gizzeria/caposuverohotel - .itis booking
:: Require an estimate or reserve
Calaghèna Hotel Villaggio
Montepaone - Località Calaghena
On the Ionian coast, in panoramic position with a splendid view on the Gulf of Squillace. Offers Hotel formula All Inclusive. Sport and recreational activities, Wellness center, Reserved and equipped sandy beach 2km. far. Animation for adults, miniclub for children.
:: www.Calabriais.com/.../montepaone/villaggioclubcalaghena - .itis booking
:: Require an estimate or reserve
Villaggio Residence Triton Villas
Sellia Marina - San Vincenzo
On the wonderful Jonian coast of Calabria, only 350mt from the sea and the equipped sandy beach, offers both Hotel and self-catering accommodations. Also available: animation for adults and children, restaurant, 2 snack-bar, tennis and five-a-side football fields, beach volley, equipment rental.
:: www.Calabriais.com/.../villaggioresidencetritonvillas - .itis booking
:: Require an estimate or reserve
Orovacanze Club Costa di Simeri
Simeri Crichi - Località Chiusa Simeri Mare
Only 600mt far from the sea, the tourist village sets in a wide complex equipped by all comforts and sports facilities. The long beach is equipped with sun-umbrellas and deck-chairs. All the accomodations have air conditioning and the restaurant offers buffet service.
:: www.Calabriais.com/.../simeri_crichi/orovacanzecostadisimeri - .itis booking
:: Require an estimate or reserve
Floriana Village
Simeri Crichi - Località Chiusa - Simeri Mare
Completely restructured, directly on the Ionian sea, dipped in a magnificent landscape. It is composed by lodgings of one or two levels surrounded by gardens, an area with all the sport activities, a small plaza dedicated to the animation and one exclusive area for the children.
:: www.Calabriais.com/catanzaro/simericrichi/florianavillage - .itis booking
:: Require an estimate or reserve
Nyce Club Sunbeach Resort
Squillace - Via Lungomare, 1 - Squillace Lido
:: www.Calabriais.com/.../squillace/nyceclubsunbeachresort - .itis booking
:: Require an estimate or reserve
Savant Hotel
Lamezia Terme - Via Capitano Manfredi, 8 - Nicastro
:: Savant Hotel - Online booking
:: Set the dates and check availability
Hotel Guglielmo
Catanzaro - Via Tedeschi, 1
:: Ask for information or reserve
Hotel Palace
Catanzaro - Via Lungomare, 221 - Catanzaro Lido
:: Ask for information or reserve
Benny Hotel
Catanzaro - Via G. Da Fiore, 2
:: Ask for information or reserve
Imperial Hotel
Chiaravalle Centrale - Via Nazionale, 25
:: Ask for information or reserve
Lion's Hotel
Falerna - S.S. 18 - Falerna Marina - Località Torre Lupo
:: Ask for information or reserve
Hotel Il Portico
Guardavalle - Località Guardavalle Marina
:: Ask for information or reserve
Hotel del Progresso
Lamezia Terme - Via del Progresso, 550
:: Ask for information or reserve
Hotel Il Pescatore
Montepaone - Via del Pescatore, 21/23 - Montepaone Lido
:: Ask for information or reserve
Hotel Gli Ulivi
Soverato - Via A. Moro, 1
:: Ask for information or reserve
Hotel Il Nocchiero
Soverato - Piazza M. Ausiliatrice, 18
:: Ask for information or reserve
Hotel Villaggio Guglielmo
Stalettì - Località Copanello Lido
:: Ask for information or reserve
Baia dell'est Hotel Residence
Stalettì - Località Caminia
:: Ask for information or reserve
Hotel Il Gabbiano
Stalettì - Via Lido, 4 - Località Copanello
:: Ask for information or reserve
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All the hotels, the pensions and the residences in the lists are regularly authorized by the public authorities to operate in the field of tourist reception. |